Here are the most commonly asked questions that our website visitors are asking.

How often should I get my chimney cleaned?
Good question. You should get your chimney cleaned at least once a year. As a rule of thumb, get it cleaned after burning 2 face cords of wood.
Do you provide chimney inspection services?
Yes! We have partnered with Capital Chimney Services to perform WETT (Wood Energy Technology Transfer) inspection. Your safety is important to us. Hence why we partner with the best.
Are you a mason/chimney technician?
Yes! We are certified mason/chimney technicians. This is actually our strength. Unlike most other masons, because we specialize in chimney, we know and work according to the provincial and federal building code when comes time to restore or rebuild a chimney.
Should I repair or replace my chimney?
The first step in answering this question is to get professional advice. It is always tempting at first to Google that question and grab the first answer you find. The truth is, however, that not everyone has the expertise in chimney repair and restoration and the answer you will find might actually be a bad answer. You never know who validated the text your are reading and you don’t know the person who wrote it. Do play with your safety and the safety of your loved ones. Do yourself a favor: Get Specialized Chimney Service a call. Our masonry/chimney technician will go on site, inspect your chimney and explain the options available to you. No obligation on your part.
How much does a chimney restoration cost?
As you might have guessed, it all depends on the condition of you chimney. The work needed to get it back into shape needs to be assessed first. It is sometime harder to find bricks for older chimneys. The color might no longer be available. The type of clay ay no longer be available. Lots of factors to take into consideration. That is why we are called chimney specialists. We know what we are talking about. No one can tell you the cost over the phone. If somebody does, run away and call us.
Do you have some instruction on how to remove a chimney?
It is not a good idea to remove your chimney yourself. Too many things can go wrong. Although it may have seemed an easy task at first, you will soon realize that it can turn into a nightmare. We know our stuff. Please, don’t try to remove your chimney yourself. Call us.
Do I need a chimney chase cover?
Having a chimeny chase cover qith a chimney cap will save you a LOT of trouble by preventing leaves, ice, snow, water, animals and more to fall into your chimney down to your fireplace. Keep in mind that a chimeny is simply a hole in your roof to evacuate smoke. By definition, if something can get out, something can get in.